From now on my titles are going to be song lyrics/titles.
I leave for Chicago in
1 day
12 hours
45 minutes
12 seconds
Obviously i'm excited. I just talked to Sarah and she's equally excited. (I hope, i'm spending 200 bucks on her)
We're going to see a show. It's in preview. (for all you non broadway-ers, it's a show that hasn't been to Broadway yet.) I don't remember what it's called but it's with her favorite singer or something so it should be good. Ahhh I'm so excited to see her, you literally have no idea.
American Eagle is good. Already bought some stuff with my discount :) I work again tomorrow. I'm really scared they're going to schedule me on my birthday, which they will because it'll be the first weekend i'm avaiable. Damn. And Halloween, but probably during the day for that so that doesn't matter because the real parties start at night haha.
I need to apply to UNC if I want to be there in the fall. I kind of want to room with Jordan but I'm pretty sure we'd kill each other. Plus I don't want her to go there just because of me. I miss Miranda and Derek :( But i'll be with them all the time next year! I'm so excited for that.
I miss the college freedom but i'm glad i'm home.
I also miss Ali.. :(
Man, this whole "life" thing is difficult. "No one said it'd be easy, they just said it'd be worth it."
I'm waiting..