Friday, March 27, 2009

.. but the last time you kissed me you kept both eyes open

I'm bored. I honestly have nothing amazing to update. So random thoughts by Alyson:
-I find out about my rooming situation next week. At least where I'll live. Not necessarily who and what room or floor.
-Ten page paper due monday. On page 4. 
-I'm going to UNC tomorrow to see Derek sing some opera. Not really excited but I promised him and I need to see Miranda because I miss her. * Yeah that was a stupid decision so I decided to do my paper instead.
-Uhhh South Carolina with the Kulin clan in August. SO EXCITED. Our family get togethers are always just so much fun I can't even tell you. We all get along so well. 
-I hate the 89 feet of snow that we got.
- I am currently watching What I Like About You.
- I have an interview with ymca for a camp counseling job over the summer.

Ok i'm done I got to do my paper now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm just sayin..

Kelly Clarkson's new cd is the best she's ever done.
I literally love every single song on it. 
If you're looking for a good treadmil cd, I highly recommend
cry, all i ever wanted, don't let me stop you
 and i do not hook up are my ultimate favorites
but the rest is equally amazing.

I just wish she knew what she has done for me.
I can tell you, I would not be the person I am today
if it weren't for this girl right here.

Monday, March 09, 2009

I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too.

Yesterday, March 8 2009 I became a new woman. 
I have officially made the decision to change my ways of life.

For the first time in 13 years of school I'm doing well. I guess going to an amazing college was a good motivator. I just got a 100% on my theatre midterm. Yes, it's theatre but still. This just makes me more ethusiastic about Columbia in the fall and it also proves to my parents I'm ready :) I was picking out my classes yesterday and I was just in love because they have different kinds of courses because it's an arts school so it has science for the theatre major. Yep that's a class. I just get more and more excited for Columbia as the days go by. 
I was never really excited for Chadron, I was just kind of going because I was supposed to. Reality is I should've gone to ACC to start with because it's what I needed but whatever, I can't change the past. it is what it is. 

Also - it's been 11 days since my last Coke and it's hard but i'm going to do it.. for  God then when Lent is over it will be for myself. I'm getting used to getting lemonade and ice tea in restaurants. I didn't just cut Coke, I cut soda out. It's been a challange but it's a sacrafice i'm willing to stick to.

So there's this boy.. he's in my theatre class and he's a techie just like me. That's all i'm going to say for now.

Kelly's new cd comes out tomorrow! I already listened to a song, SO EXCITED.

Sarah comes home on saturday, thank the good lord. I need some adults in my life. Haha what am I saying? I just miss her. I'm going to be spending some good amount of time with her next year so.

I'm just saying i'm a new woman, i'm playing soccer and getting healthy.

Oh and June 11th I'm coming to Utah, so watch out BYU, there's a Catholic stormin' your way.
